Reading Horizons® Ages 10+ At-Home Software Trial

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SKU: H260-012-1404

Experience the full features of our At-Home Online Software with a 30-day trial. Designed for learners ages 10+, this trial provides interactive lessons and activities that build foundational reading skills while giving parents and tutors insight into student progress.



Ages 10+ At-Home Software Trial Includes:

  • Two (2) Student Trial Licenses.
  • Online Software Access: Full access to the Reading Horizons Online Software for 30 days (upgrade price for the remainder of the year: $189).*
  • Skill-Based Lessons: 68 lessons covering the 42 Sounds of the Alphabet, Five Phonetic Skills, Two Decoding Skills, and key grammar rules.
  • Assessments: Includes Lexile Reading Library Assessments, Phonics Screener, and Progress Monitoring Assessments for tracking proficiency.
  • Most Common Word Lessons: 13 lessons targeting high-frequency words, which make up 65% of daily reading and writing.
  • Vocabulary Tool: Over 10,000 terms to help students simultaneously improve vocabulary and decoding skills.
  • Reading Library: 225 high-interest, low-readability nonfiction passages, leveled and Lexiled, to develop fluency and comprehension.
  • Administration System: Enables parents or instructors to review assessment data, generate reports, manage student settings, and monitor progress.

Online software is designed to be used in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari.

*Maximum of one subscription per customer

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